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Revolutionizing Retail: Assessing the Potential of Generative AI in Digital CX

Dive into our latest digital pre-sale CX analysis of leading apparel & fashion brands where we uncover opportunities for retail brands to generate more revenue through chatbot and live chat capabilities.

The Report:

Many brands strive to replicate the in-person shopping experience online, hoping to deliver the same level of personal touch that customers value. Retailers often fall short, however, when it comes to things like responsiveness, depth of product knowledge, and the ability to fully satisfy a customer visiting their website with an intent to make a purchase.

Simply put, businesses are leaving money on the table when it matters most, primarily due to an ineffective and outdated chat channel strategy.

We hope these findings help brands recognize potential gaps and find new ways to turn every customer interaction into a revenue-generating opportunity as momentum continues to build with AI in CX.
